Katty Kay
Lead Anchor BBC World News, Insights on American Politics
Speaking Style: Engaging, Inspirational, Informational, Journalistic
Travels From: Washington, D.C.
Fee Schedule: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Katty (pronounced CAT-TEE) Kay is the lead anchor for BBC World News America. She is seen in America on nearly 300 Public Broadcasting Stations which carry BBC World News America broadcasts. Katty’s reports on the latest U.S. economic and political news are also carried by BBC News channels globally, giving her a vast international audience. In addition, Katty is also a frequent guest commentator on NBC’s Meet the Press as well as a regular guest and substitute co-host on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. She also hosted 100 Days on the BBC, covering the first 100 days of the Trump administration.
The daughter of a British diplomat, Katty grew up all over the Middle East. Her career with the BBC began in Zimbabwe in 1990 where she started filing radio reports for BBC World Service radio. From there she also covered the end of apartheid in South Africa. Katty then went on to work as a BBC correspondent in London, and later Tokyo, reporting on stories including the Kobe earthquake and the Japanese economic recession. She settled in Washington in 1996 where she took some time out from broadcast journalism to join The Times’ (the British newspaper) Washington bureau before returning to the BBC in 2002.
Katty is a popular speaker who addresses both current political events and also issues impacting women. Katty’s talks on American politics and global affairs offer the fresh perspective of someone who has lived in and reported from the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe, and now Washington, D.C. She looks beyond the headlines and provides valuable insights on the top stories making news right now – the challenges facing the President and Congress, the outlook for the next major U.S. election, global economic news, world trouble spots, diplomatic dustups, terrorism, and more. Additionally, the challenges of juggling a demanding career and a family with four children led her to speak and write on two topics that strongly resonate with women: confidence and something she calls “Womenonics.”
Katty Kay is co-author (with Claire Shipman) of two New York Times bestsellers. Her latest, The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance—What Women Should Know, inspires women to understand that confidence – the lynchpin of success – is a choice. She shows ways to break out of comfort zones and take risks that pay off. In her first book, Womenomics: Write Your Own Rules for Success, she examined the workplace revolution and inspired women to take control, dream big and discover a different way of weaving work into their lives – and in the process create more profitable companies with happier and more productive employees. In April 2018, Katty and Claire will release, The Confidence Code for Girls: Taking Risks, Messing Up, and Becoming Your Amazingly Imperfect, Totally Powerful Self. This empowering, entertaining guide gives girls the essential yet elusive code to becoming bold, brave, and fearless.
Katty studied modern languages at Oxford from where she went on to work for a brief period with the Bank of England. She speaks fluent French and Italian and also what she describes as ‘rusty Japanese’. Katty is married to Tom Carver, a strategic risk consultant. They live in Washington, D.C. with their four children.
The election of Donald Trump has turned the American political world upside-down. His presidency continues to be just as unpredictable. President Trump’s way of doing things is unconventional – and that’s going down well in some quarters; not so well in others. And it doesn’t fall just along party lines. How is it playing out? What’s next? What do administration insiders say in private moments? How does the rest of the world view it? Can Congress – and members of the president’s own party – find common ground to make progress? Will the White House be able to overcome the increased levels of polarization? As a British journalist in Washington, DC, Katty Kay looks at Washington from a different angle. She offers a perspective on the latest drama of American politics that only an outsider can provide. The veteran BBC anchor has the experience and sources to reveal the story behind the headlines and provide valuable context for her audience. Katty tailors this speech to suit the interests of each audience – delivering solid insights with charm and understated humor.
Global times call for global perspective. As someone who has lived in and reported from North America, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Europe, Katty Kay’s observations and insights reflect that rich experience. The world is changing at lightning speed and Katty looks deep into the global news making headlines right now. So many big issues to be dealt with simultaneously: the disruption in the EU, trade disputes, immigration issues, terrorism, political isolationism, and the potential for political and economic tensions to erupt into armed conflict at any moment. Understanding the complex issues at play requires a constant refresh of perspective. It’s a world where big challenges abound and the landscape changes on a daily basis. Where is it headed? Katty asks that question of the political and business leaders she speaks to every day as U.S. anchor for BBC World News America. She brings those insights to her audience in this talk.
Confidence! With it, we can take on the world; without it, we don’t ask for raises, request that important meeting or take risks. In the success equation, research shows that confidence is even more critical than competence. But what is confidence? Where does it come from? Are we born with it or do we acquire it? And why do women have less of it than their talents deserve? In this speech Katty Kay inspires audiences with the latest scientific research and anecdotes from her own career and the many women she interviewed for the book. “Neurologists have isolated a ‘confidence gene,’” says Katty “and when I was tested, I learned I am not genetically predisposed to being confident.” Her experience is like that of so many women, even senior women, whose lack of confidence is what really holds them back. But confidence is also art – impacted by how we choose to live with our genes. The good news then is that being confident is a choice. Katty’s talk inspires audiences to take action – to go outside their comfort zones, to try new hard things, to take risks, to be prepared to fail and to discover the secret to success.
At the World Economic Forum in Davos, IMF Chief Christine Lagarde called the advancement of women the greatest economic opportunity of our time. She was recognizing what Katty Kay calls Womenomics, the extraordinary value of women in the workforce. Global studies show that companies who employ more senior women make more money. But too many women in their mid-thirties hit the brick wall of kids vs. career and decide to leave the workforce. We can’t afford to keep losing them.
Katty marshals evidence from employers large and small to show how it’s possible to help women meet the demands of family and career and keep these valuable contributors in the workforce. What starts as talent retention initiative becomes a profit bonus any company would be happy to have. Katty’s talk inspires women and provides a practical guide to employers.
Katty Kay has interviewed scores of political dignitaries and business leaders for her news broadcasts and at top live events. The skills, grace and humor she brings to the live stage as a panel moderator, discussion leader and interviewer help create memorable experience for the audience.
- The Confidence Code for Girls (April, 2018)
- The Confidence Code
- Womenomics
- Accenture
- Adobe Systems, Inc.
- American Academy of Ophthalmology
- American Association for Justice
- The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
- American Cotton Shippers
- American Gas Association
- American Hospital Association
- American Public Power Association
- American Supply Association
- The Art of Production
- Assisted Living Federation of America
- Association of American Medical Colleges
- Association of College Unions International
- Association of Governing Boards of Universities & Colleges
- AT&T
- BAE Systems, Inc.
- Baker McKenzie
- Bank Administration Institute
- Bishop Strachan School
- Bridgewater State University
- Bryant University
- Business Software Alliance
- California Hospital Association
- Capital Tiger Bay Club
- Cash Exchange
- Cedar Crest College
- Center for the Advancement and Study of International Education
- CEO Update Association
- Chatham Hall
“She may have been our best speaker (ever) – delightful and substantive and a pleasure to work with – our members just loved her.” – Vice President, Public Affairs, HR Policy Association
“Wanted to let you know that Katty was fantastic!! Great way to end the conference session today. She is such a great speaker and her Q&A session was great and we could have went on forever if she didn’t have to catch a flight. She had a lot of interesting questions.” – Executive Director, SAE Detroit Section
“We are still getting high praise from our members (and staff) on Katty Kay’s presentation. She definitely was one of the highlights of the conference and I have let my colleagues know that they should definitely consider her as a speaker for any future events.” – Communications Manager, Government Affairs, National Association of REALTORS®
“Katty did an amazing job!” – Vice President, Business Banking, Great Western Bank
“Thanks to Katty the event was very successful. We have gotten back a lot of positive feedback from the group. She was fantastic at the event and the topic was something all of the women could relate including me. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting Katty and listening to her. She is a very down to earth person who brings a lot of knowledge and experience to any group that she has the pleasure to speak to their group.” -Executive Assistant, Penske “On behalf of the entire Ellucian team, thank you for giving up valuable family time last week to join the female leaders. Your message on “The Confidence Code” was profoundly on target and inspirational to all of us!” – CEO, Ellucian
“Fantastic!!!! Katty was simply fabulous. The audience loved her.” – Senior Vice President, Business Development
“Katty Kay was a huge hit with the attendees at NY Cash Exchange! She did a great job of creating a current events message geared to our group’s primary areas of interest and her presentation style was very polished and professional. Her humor provided a welcome balance. Perhaps the highest point was the Q&A session. She is obviously very well informed and quick minded. We would certainly book her again.” – Managing Director, Ruzek Management
“Thank you for being such a great keynote speaker. Your presentation touched our entire membership. The way you set the table with your message of where America fits in today’s Global Economy, was quite skillful and eye opening for those attending. They felt reassured that the USA was still the world leader that they all grew up believing and yes… better days are on their way!” – Education Consultant, Florida Public Pension Trustees Association
“I can’t begin to describe how well Katty connected with our audience. She really resonated with the group as a single presenter discussing politics in DC and the obvious partisanship and discord that threaten our political representatives to govern. Interestingly, she does not give the press a free ride either, as too often, be it television or radio, the media has turned nearly as partisan as our politics. She was engaging, confident and yet self-deprecating at the same time. Doing double duty, she then moderated a business session discussing gender issues in the industry where she performed magnificently. With her recent book, “Womenomics”, it was obvious she knows the concerns and problems of women in the corporate world and their impact in the marketplace. We had several compliments about this session, especially from men. Having said all that, perhaps her most important attribute is her genuineness. She was perfect for our program and our audience. I would not be hesitant to recommend her to any organization.” – President/CEO, NABCA
“You were absolutely fantastic – and got rave reviews.” – Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP
“It was our pleasure to have you appear before our attendees last week in Miami on the occasion of our annual meeting of the American Cotton Shippers Association. Your comments and analysis of domestic and international matters was very well received and enjoyed by everyone I spoke with afterwards. The connections you made with our members regarding their export markets relating to China, Turkey, and others was a very good fit. Your genuine approach to the audience was refreshing and made personal by your wonderful smile and personality.” – President/CEO, ACSA
“It was great to see you again. You were incredibly well-received – both last night and this afternoon. Your message is powerfully and passionately delivered, and really resonates with us. Thank you again for taking the time to join us.” – Kenneth M. Doran, Chairman & Managing Partner, Gibson Dunn
“Katty was absolutely fantastic. The attendees loved her. Her comments couldn’t have been more well suited for our audience. She’s a very personable person which makes hosting so much easier. I am so glad that we were able to do this.” – Margaret M. Timony, Executive Director, Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association
“I want to thank you for leading such a superb panel discussion. The rapport that you established through the conversation was just wonderful and the panelists were both extremely candid in their views which our members appreciated (and commented on). It was one of the best discussions on emerging markets that we’ve featured at the Winter Forum. Some of their perspectives were unexpected, like those related to Russia and other regions – which made the session all the more interesting. The difference in ensuring this was executed at a high level was all the preparation you undertook and your willingness to tailor the discussion for actionable ideas for the audience. I was thrilled with the outcome and it was a real honor to have you join us.” – Founder, NMS Management
“I just wanted to let you know that everyone was crazy about Katty. They loved her message and her delivery. I think Katty has converted many of the attendees to BBC News.” – Denise Billing, President, PRMC Foundation
Articles (11)
- The Atlantic – The Confidence Gap
- The New York Times – Katty Kay and Claire Shipman: Learning to Dispense with the Negative
- The Washington Post – Journalists Kay and Shipman Urge Women to Close the Confidence Gap
- Fast Company – 8 Female Leaders on How to Overcome What’s Holding Women Back
- Time – The Best Negotiation Books for 2015
- Entrepreneur – 5 Books That Will Help You Transform How You Do Business
- 100 Women: Katty Kay on how the ‘confidence gap’ holds women back
- Charlottesville violence: America diminished and dismissed
- How getting fired made my career
- Women’s Day: a US gender ceiling far from shattered
- ‘Cut her mic’ moment left me flabbergasted
Podcasts (0)
Mentions in the news (9)
- Charlie Rose: The Las Vegas Shooting
- Morning Joe Erupts after Dr. Ben Carson asks for MSNBC to ‘cut her mic’
- Charlie Rose: Foreign Policy
- Meet the Press: Vaccination Debate Shouldn’t Be a Debate at All
- Hillary Clinton ‘did make history’
- Why Trump’s supporters will never abandon him
- John Kerry surprised by Theresa May criticism on Israel
- George Mitchell: Lessons from the master negotiator
- Lagarde: Economic growth “too low”