Chris Riddell
Global Futurist
Speaking Style: Inspirational, Actionable, Thought-Provoking
Travels From: Australia
Fee Schedule: 4
Chris Riddell is an award-winning Global Futurist, and industry recognized keynote speaker on the future of humanity and digital. He is also a renowned media commentator and global emerging trend spotter for businesses and leaders in today’s highly disrupted world. A global trailblazer, Chris Riddell has worked for some of the largest and most successful companies and brands in our modern world. Having lived and worked in countries such as the UK, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Kuwait, China, New Zealand and lately Australia, his understanding of our new world is compelling and thought provoking to say the least. Over the past 5 years, Chris has touched the lives of more than 350,000 conference delegates around the world, bringing them unparalleled insights into the trends shaping their homes and workplaces.
Chris is the first ever Global Futures Partner for the Australian Federal Police, providing advice and insights into emerging trends and global drivers that inform strategy and global capability into future law enforcement and policing. Chris was the first ever Chief Digital Officer (CDO) for MARS Incorporated in Australia and New Zealand, architecting the corporate digital strategy behind brands including Whiskas, Pedigree, Wrigley, Starburst, Masterfoods, Snickers and Maltesers.
Chris Riddell is frequently called on as a futurist, speaker and expert commentator to give insights into consumer technology trends within traditional media. As a regular on Sky News Business, BBC, CNBC, Prime Time and ABC Television, Chris Riddell’s insights and expertise as a trend spotter extend far beyond the walls of the corporate world.
How do you grow and ensure relevance in a world that is changing faster and faster as each day starts?
Adopting a culture of deep innovation across the business, thinking and behaving like a start-up, and finding the entrepreneurs from within your business is more important than ever. Business leaders are under more pressure than ever to understand how to bring new world, blended and exponential thinking into existing businesses. Trust has taken a radically different meaning in the world after tomorrow, and it’s a new currency for businesses. How is this possible in a well-established business, and how can you create environments for ideas to flourish and create topline growth.
Topics Chris will cover in this area include:
- ‘Old World’ businesses that are growing through ’New World’ thinking
- What behaving like an ‘entrepreneur’ means in 2018 the key traits
- The new skills and behaviors businesses need today and tomorrow
- Organizational structure, decision making and being an inspiring leader
- Embracing exponential change and the power of speed
- The new normal is now creating and not following trends
Being a successful and thriving business today, is not just about doing things well. Good is no longer good enough. It’s about having a deeper understanding of your customer than ever before. Even more importantly, in today’s fast paced world, planning for the day after tomorrow is a key skill that is critical to survival. We are now living in an era of hyper distraction, with customers being bombarded with content across platforms and devices. Advertising just doesn’t connect with Gen Y, let alone even touch the surface with Generation Z. Crafted storytelling, with a perfect blend of technology, frictionless experiences and people will be the hallmark of tomorrows business.
Topics Chris will cover in this area include:
- Creating hyper personalized and truly connected customer experiences
- Using Intelligence led real-time decision making and being responsive
- Blended Online and Offline experiences to create next gen relationships
- The next wave of trust and how technology is now invisible
- Serendipity, Passion, Community and Trust are new currencies
We have quickly moved into an era now of using technology to lead longer and better lives. The healthcare sector is seeing rapid growth through the adoption of wearable devices. We are literally swimming in data and have more insights into our lives than ever before in history. The democratizing of resources, assets and energy ahead mean that the way we consume everything is changing rapidly. Deep, real-time learning to create adaptive experiences and the building of solutions for specific problems, not general ones will set businesses ahead. Being able to ‘pull levers’ and embrace ‘liquid data’ is now how we will see the power balance between large businesses and small ones changed forever.
Topics Chris will cover in this area include:
- ‘Old World’ businesses that are growing through ’New World’ thinking
- What being an ‘entrepreneur’ means in 2018 and why it works
- Key job growth areas ahead
- The power of speed and velocity is the new disruptor
- Realtime A/B Testing on customers is now a new normal
Everything about our world is influenced by megatrends; slow moving large, social, economic, political, environmental or technological changes that impact us everywhere. Every business is now a technology business, it’s no longer something special. It’s our new normal. Megatrends influence a wide range of activities, processes and perceptions, both in government and in society, and they last for decades. These forces then drive trends around the world. The most successful, innovative and forward-thinking businesses are continually plugged into these movements and use them to support their medium to long term strategies.
Topics Chris will cover in this area include:
- Our future is at risk of a population ‘implosion’ and what this means
- How Technology will become more passive in the future
- Key drivers impacting enormous change on a second by second basis
- How intelligence is reducing risk, and creating enormous growth
- Internet of Things and Data creating real-time ‘pools’ to dip into
We’ve seen some interesting recent examples of where AI has proved it is in fact more intelligent than humans, with chess grandmasters and gaming. The ‘device’ as we know it will disappear almost entirely, and this will dramatically influence how we see our world, and the definition of what relationships mean. Blockchain technology is the biggest revolution since the internet first started, and it is changing how we trust, and who we trust. It is set to transform not only the financial services industry but every organization that has a customer interface. Augmented Reality showed us in mid-2017 the possibilities of what a blended lifestyle can do, yet the Pokémon Go craze was just a taste of what is around the corner. Technology is a democratizing force, empowering people through information, and we are set for a revolution like no other over the next 5 years.
Topics Chris will cover in this area include:
- How AI is transforming the meaning of ‘personalization’ on mass
- Blockchain technology is now transforming how and who we trust
- Automation & Robotics is breaking down barriers of borders and time
- What role humans have after tomorrow, and how to get ready today
- Machine Learning is allowing business to ‘self-learn’ and grow
- Businesses will be ‘superpowers’ with combined AI and Automation
- Artificial Intelligence will alter power balance between large and small business
- Commonwealth Bank of Australia
- DG Global
- Knox City Council
- Food Works
- Dell
- Event Management Group
- Gartner
- Isuzu
- Institute of Internal Auditors
- Centre for Workplace Leadership
- Qantas
- Reed Exhibitions
- Jaguar
- Tableau Software
- Golder Associates
“Chris Riddell showed a wonderful articulation for technology and its real life use, with practical examples and none of the propeller spinning complexity and jargon that is often seen. Chris has also recently been a keynote speaker at our Telstra Retail Conference, speaking about the future of digital and how it’s impacting our world. Chris was able to not only entertain and inspire but delivered on the future ways of working and the challenges faced by business leaders today. I’d highly recommend Chris for any key speaker appointments for business that are needing thought provoking discussion on how their businesses will continue in the future with technology.”– Telstra
“Chris Riddell is someone who engages the audience and brings clarity to the complicated. He speaks at a level that everyone understands, and his style of presenting is exciting to say the least. Digital is something that impacts us all, and is a huge part of our global future. If you want to prepare your audience for the new world ahead, my recommendation is get them to hear what Chris has to say. They’ll walk away prepared and with exciting new perspectives.”- Optus
– Al Henson, Show Business Entertainment
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