Deborah Thomas-Nininger
Reputation Management & Communication Effectiveness Expert
Speaking Style: Practical, Energetic, Passionate, Engaging
Travels From: Ohio
Fee Schedule: 1
Deborah Thomas-Nininger is the founder of DTN Productions International, a company that provides professional development training in all areas of international and domestic protocol specializing in “Reputation Management” and communication effectiveness. She brings to you over twenty years of business etiquette, communication and self-presentation expertise, rooted in behavioral science and successful human interaction.
Ms. Thomas-Nininger organized the international etiquette training for the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta and is a frequent subject of interviews, which often appear in publications both nationally and internationally.
The DTN staff continues to spread throughout the world their contemporary approach to effective business communication and social courtesies via seminars, workshops, keynotes, webinars and podcasts.
Deborah’s first two books Reputation Management – Building Your Brand and Tweetables for Life will be available fall 2018 with her MiniManners series to launch in 2019.
Reputation Management – Building Your Professional Brand!
The necessary foundation of one’s professional brand – managing your reputation! This program teaches the finer points of self-presentation critical to a successful and well-managed brand. Entertaining, informative and practical – you will learn the top “10” items pivotal to your business reputation and how to “grow” your professional brand. Reputation = brand and it’s up to everyone to effectively manage theirs. The top ten brand items were culled from years of research and once discovered, aha moments happen. So what do they say about you when you’re not in the room?
EQ – Putting People Back Into People Skills
EQ versus IQ seems to be all the buzz, so what does it mean? This program provides an assessment of where you rate within the top soft skills categories. Discover your empathy score and evaluate your listening style. Assess your ability to generate engagement, build rapport and successfully synchronize with others. Determine how relatable you are as you explore the impact of body language, verbal presence and overall likeability. Soft skills rule today as never before!
Gravitas… Do I have it? Do I need it? Where can I buy it?
Gravitas has become the newest “it” factor in separating oneself from the pack. People with gravitas stand up, stand out and simply STAND when others may crumble or hide. This session provides a roadmap on how to add the highly touted “taken seriously” quality into your professional resume of positive attributes. Those who possess gravitas are often described as the real deal, assertive, great listener, empathetic, trustworthy, high integrity, composed, has a presence, and is commanding. As you take stock of your professional brand, ask yourself, “do people take me seriously or do I sabotage myself?” Do you need to bump-up your “cred” in order to move things forward in your professional life? Do you feel that you often go round and round trying to get your points and ideas across? Do you ever feel unceremoniously dismissed? This session will challenge you as you self-assess from A-Z your tact, tone and temperament all in the name of gravitas. Your assertiveness, verbal presence and body language will get an updated makeover that will deliver results. Gravitas brings a certain cache to your reputation and if you already possess it, you know it…and so does everyone else!
Everyday Business Etiquette
Take the confusion out of everyday courtesies – what’s appropriate and what’s necessary? This program will enable you to stand out as a leader in business style and savvy. Learn today’s contemporary approach to timeless issues and how to get more out of each moment rather than second-guessing what to do. When should you present your business card, what to do if you forget someone’s name, how to make an introduction, gender etiquette, business casual dress and more! This isn’t charm school, but manners matter for those who want to stand out and away from the crowd of self-absorbed behaviors.
Business Dining & Entertainment
Increasingly business relationships are developed over a meal, at a sporting event or on the golf course. Does your social skill set seamlessly match your business acumen? Are you equally comfortable at the conference and dining table? Are your table manners impeccable? This program takes you into the risk-filled social environment that plays a larger than ever role today and teaches the dos and taboos that have impacted us all. During an on-site seminar, this session is often conducted as a tutorial over a lunch or dinner. Don’t let a social misstep ruin a promising business relationship.
Communication Essentials
The consummate communicator – the well-spoken and distinctive style is one that we recognize and admire. The power of communicating well ensures results and is a marked advantage in self-presentation. The communication skill set in totality (visually, verbally, behaviorally) is examined in this program covering everything from email, texting, verbal habits, body language, approachability, diplomacy, slang and lazy language. Assess your communication ability between the sexes and among the different generations. Learn how to develop a verbal presence that has people begging to hear more from you rather than less. To be a stellar communicator it’s important to remember, communication is not a one-size fits all.
Body Language – Self-assessment & How to Read Others
Non-verbal communication is over 50% of what people think of us initially. Do you communicate confidence, approachability and credibility plus how well do you read “their” signals? Learn the basics in this program to ensure better all around communication including how to decode those all-important fidget signals! Because we communicate non-verbally in over 700,000 different ways, understanding how to avoid the pitfalls of ineffective signals (or worse) can help unleash even more successful dialogue opportunities. Learn to understand “body talk” at a higher level. This program will unlock the mysteries of body language that everyone needs to know.
Meeting Manners
How early to arrive, how to handle late arrivals, early departures, keeping to the agenda and managing those pesky interruptions are all addressed in this program. Are you effective at impromptu speaking, asking questions and being an active participant rather than just a spectator in meetings? Do you begin your meetings on time and end on time with the meeting objectives accomplished? What about the more challenging meeting that takes place over the phone? Because meetings are a part of our business world, make sure you’re on point in all ways critical to your reputation. There is no time to waste – be known as a meeting master.
Multi-Cultural Awareness
If your company is going to succeed globally, your ambassadors must understand the subtle distinctions of foreign customs and mores that make all the difference in International Panache. In this program, the concentration is on getting around the world in style as well as the need-to-know cross-cultural etiquette. Whether hosting an international guest, working with multi-cultural employees or preparing for the role of an expatriate, international know-how is a must for all of today’s professionals. This program can be a broad-brush global awareness session or provide a country/region specific focus. Would you be described as ethnocentric or a global citizen?
Technology Etiquette Is Not An Oxymoron!
Are your tools of technology working for you or do you hide behind them? Would you be labeled as a “shark?” Do your tools make you more accessible in a proactive or interruptive way? Do you come across as reliable, timely and a stress-reducer? This program bumps it up a notch and addresses the top “needs to know” to make those tools (voice mail, email, texting, instant messaging, mobile phones, tablets) work more effectively! Although technology etiquette is still “under construction” everyone needs to make “accessibility” decisions to complement not hinder their reputation.
Mixing, Mingling & Maximizing Your Network!
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water, you’re faced with the daunting task of “working the room!” This program will teach you the finer points of networking and mixing and mingling with ease rather than feeling the possible “attack” of fear when attending those venues – cocktail parties, networking events, company affairs and meeting the new employee or client. Knowing how to make the all-important ten-second self-introduction, remembering names, extricating yourself from the one who just won’t let go and where not to stand so you’re not labeled a loser are just a few of the areas covered. Making small talk is the new #1 public fear – learn to master this critical communication attribute! Note: this program is excellent as an on-site interactive mixer.
The Art of Verbal Persuasion & Building Rapport!
This program brings the absolute best of communication techniques to the forefront! This session embodies the communication style that is widely admired by all, but not fully developed by most! Whether negotiating, selling or building a business relationship, the basic necessary skills needed are covered. Learn the art of communicating that builds rapport and secures the critical element of trust. Communicating one’s worth does not come easily to everyone but is necessary in order to be “exceptionally” persuasive. Knowing how to communicate with empathy and/or logic is pivotal to being persuasive. Communication clarity coupled with composure will establish reassurance and that equals persuasiveness – learn how to master the subtle and effective techniques that will label you a captivating communicator.
Questioning Skills
The art of “how,” “what,” and “when” to ask as well as how to answer questions so that people understand and remember are the cornerstones of this program. Prevent misunderstandings and dialogue pitfalls by asking questions in a manner to encourage the answers you need and want! And learn to be prepared to ask and answer the tough questions. Leading questions, clarifying questions, open and closed-ended questions are analyzed for their effectiveness in this program.
Understanding Different Communication Styles
Are you a visual, auditory or kinesthetic communication style? And what about your client? Learn to read the communication styles of others quickly and accurately and synchronize yours with theirs for top results! This program will bring about notable improvements in your communication synergy! You will learn to maximize the all-important likeability factor as you effortlessly synchronize with others.
Gender Communication Differences
Which sex is more comfortable with silence, do men or women interrupt more, who uses more diplomacy, who uses more filler words, which sex is more dramatic in their communication…? Learn to communicate to ensure that your point is equally well received (and avoid the negative communication hot buttons) by both sexes.
Listening Skills with Impact
In today’s rushed world in which we live, work and communicate, more misunderstandings are occurring due in part to “how” we are listening (or not) to each other. We often do selective listening, filtering what we hear, as we move along on warp speed! This program focuses on how to maximize our listening abilities to ensure a more harmonious, respectful and engaging business climate.
Generational Communication “Needs to Know”
Can you communicate with the same ease with someone twice (or half) your age? Language evolves and with that, “how” we communicate evolves as well. So what irritates the person in their 50’s is perceived as quite natural to the professional in their 20’s. This program will click on the light bulb for all age groups and help bridge the communication gap.
Assertiveness Skills – Doing What Matters When It Counts!
Assertive behaviors are easily recognized in people: respectful, great time management, accountable, collaborative, flexible, confident, good listeners, team players…. sound like you? Learn in this program to say what you mean directly, diplomatically with no qualms – be less stressed and more upfront! And learn communication techniques to effectively deal with those who are not assertive. Because assertiveness is a “learned” communication skill set, this program provides the necessary tools to embrace for success. You will learn the benefits of speaking up and out with confidence! The pitfalls of passive, aggressive and passive aggressive behaviors are examined as each attendee takes a behavioral quiz to self-assess their own assertiveness level. This is a highly interactive session with multiple “hands-on” exercises.
Dealing with Difficult People
This program expedites the path to resolution when interacting with those who come across in a demanding and/or difficult manner. You will learn how to stay focused, remain calm and be proactive! Learn the top tips on tact, tone and temperament while keeping your cool and staying in control. Knowing how to demonstrate your assertive communication style combined with active listening will add even more to your “dealing with difficult people” tool box. The art of dealing with difficult people is just that – an art! This session will provide the responses necessary to the various types of difficult people in order to remain proactive. Those who whine, who are arrogant, procrastinators, bullies and more – learn how to deal with them in the most effective manner and keep your wits about you!
Basic Presentation Skills 101 – the nuts and bolts!
Feeling a bit tongue-tied when asked to speak? Would you rather bungee jump than speak in front of a group of your peers? Well then take the leap and learn the art of giving successful presentations in this program – it is a must “need to know” in today’s business climate! You will also learn the art of impromptu speaking – how to be ready at any moment and at any time! The basics with a contemporary twist will be just what you need as you find yourself in front of one or one thousand! After mastering the basics, it’s time to move on and really test your presentation skills abilities. Bumping it up a notch, this program deals with audience diversity, handling a Q&A segment, managing humor – yours and theirs, the difficult participant, the ebb and flow of a seamless presenter. Presenting within diverse environments (casual and formal) will be covered. This program is a must to add to the toolbox of the exemplary communicator.
Team Building
How do you communicate as part of a team? Each attendee of this program will take a team communication quiz to help determine their individual style as they learn to appreciate and work effectively with each of the other styles. This program is an eye-opener and a guaranteed team-building opportunity! The next step in team building is to further identify and appreciate the distinctly different team approaches within the world of communication. The team environment including territorial issues (your turf and theirs) will be explored including boundaries, perceptions and how not to take things personally.
Emerging Leaders
This unique program is dedicated to the tenets of leadership professionalism. How to prepare and position oneself for the right moments, speaking up with ease, leadership language and the charisma quotient are examples of a few of the basics that are covered. Learning how to establish a professional profile with increased visibility are stepping-stones to future success. This program is devoted to recognizing and developing the leadership impact within your sphere of influence. Tomorrow’s leader today – is that you?
The Assertive Leader
Today’s leader is expected to be decisive with an innate ability to successfully move things forward…assertively. Understanding the anatomy of assertive leadership encompasses speaking up, being proactive, delegating and providing timely feedback. The assertive leader although direct in their communication style, exudes genuine approachability and accessibility. The assertive leader has both a vision and a strategy and is able to mobilize people around him/her which results in mission accomplished.
Negotiation Skills
The art of compromise, getting what you need, selling your ideas, preventing deadlocks all while building a successful business relationship sounds daunting, but is quite realistic! We all negotiate in one way or another every day, but some people just get better results. This program teaches the practical approach to a skill set needed by all professionals today.
Left Brain/Right Brain Communication
Have you ever wondered how to move from an emotionally charged communication moment to a more logical, rational discussion? Understanding how the left and right sides of the brain work (and which side you use more often), will unlock communication power that you didn’t know you had! This program is extremely enlightening and beneficial for all who wish to be an exceptional communicator.
Managing Multi-Cultural Business Interactions
Different cultures do business differently – it’s just that simple! Some cultures insist on getting to know their clients on a more personal level to establish trust, some cultures maintain a perceived respectful distance. Subtle nuances of body language combined with business etiquette can impact business dialogue just as can a direct or indirect manner of speech. This program takes the mystery out of multi-cultural differences and unlocks the power to more effective business communication – guaranteed to move business along more smoothly and successfully.
The Art of Giving & Receiving Feedback
This program is designed to teach the finer art of giving feedback utilizing the top coaching tools as well as how to proactively receive feedback. Feedback is both formally and informally provided to professionals each day, sometimes thinly veiled, sometimes uncomfortably, often missing the mark and in some cases completely misunderstood. The art of giving and receiving feedback is essential to the elimination of status quo – when done well it becomes the hallmark of proactive people development. This session provides the opportunity to self-assess critical feedback attributes on both sides of the fence – giving and receiving.
Beyond Customer Service
The customer might not always be right, but should be treated with respect, understanding and dignity. This program examines what the customer (internal or external) wants and feels they deserve. A comprehensive assessment of how to turn customer satisfaction into customer “brand” loyalty is thoroughly covered revealing it comes down to exemplary people skills that communicate customer service with transparency and authenticity. The difference truly is in the details and how seamlessly those details are managed. A congruent message that allows no room for excuses generates the powerful voice of today’s customer service advocate. Because everyone wants to experience the red carpet VIP treatment, making it a part of your brand is a testament to how you value your customer base.
- Reputation Management – Building Your Brand
- Tweetables for Life
- Coca-Cola
- JPMorgan Chase
- Northrop Grumman
- KeyBank
- Nationwide Insurance
- S&P
- AstraZeneca
- Honda
- Discover Financial Services
- Wynn Encore Las Vegas
- GE
- Carnegie Mellon University
- 3M
- Safeco Insurance
- Visa
- The Hartford
- Cognizant Technology Solutions
- Diebold
- AT&T
- The Ohio State University
- The Cleveland Clinic
- MGM Grand
- The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas
- Cardinal Health
- Ice Miller
- NetJets
- CareSource
- Baker & Hostetler
- Caesars Palace
- Givaudan Flavors Corporation
- Gulfstream Aerospace
Podcasts (1)
Articles (1)
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